Solar Power Plant Construction

Sale and installation of photovoltaic systems


Construction of installations both in Bulgaria and abroad!

A company specialized in the design and construction of photovoltaic systems, both in Bulgaria and abroad.

We believe that solar energy is the most reasonable investment for businesses and households, and that is why we work diligently and with extreme precision for the implementation of each project.




According to the needs of your household or business, we design your photovoltaic power system, providing an accurate design according to your idea.


Our team of specialists performs the installation according to the optimal option for your system by providing an accurate plan for its installation in the designated place.


Our team carries out technical maintenance of the built photovoltaic systems according to the requirements, observing all the technical requirements of the manufacturers we work with.

Why choose us?

The latest technologies

We are focused on top-of-the-line technology. We offer the most secure innovative solutions in the solar industry.

Sustainable solutions

We are here to help you with your sustainable project, achieve the required power and energy using the most advanced products

With care for nature

Solar technology is the future of the planet. Our commitment is to provide sustainable products that protect the environment.

Green energy

The solar market is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, making solar capacity the backbone of the clean energy transition.

предоставя фотоволтаични услуги и проекти до ключ. Възползвайте се от нашия дългогодишен опит. Ние сме специалисти в изграждането на наземни соларни централи – от разработването на проекта, през получаването на разрешителни, до доставката му. Нашият опит и усърдие ни позволяват да поемаме много мащабни проекти, генериращи стотици MW.